Friday, 15 March 2013

My FaMily cULtuRe

Caught in a fix of needing to take three items that depict my family culture along with me to a place I had never been and have no clue how they live, I think I will take first a book which is my bible and will have each family member take theirs. Our pictures or video that features our family events and lastly, a familiar food. These choices are in assumption that concepts like attitudes, communications style and such abstract valuables are already with us since they are in our makeup.

              bible verses photo: Bible verse bible1111tk3.jpg       The reason we would take our bibles is because while growing up, we have faced adverse    situations and bounced back with resilience and survival instincts that were inspired by our understanding of the words of encouragement and promises that we found in the bible. While in the University, four, out of the entire seven of us (six biological children with my niece who had become family) were in the university schooling and my dad lost his job. In this adversity, he found hope in the word of God that made him say confidently that “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord…”.  With courage inspired by the words from the bible, a chief accountant of a household company, took up a task of book sales and began to realize the bible verse that said “… whatsoever he does, prospers”. As an individual member of the family, I have had my own personal encounters with drawing strength from the same book. From my academics to my social living, that same book has guided my living and I had learn to practice spirituality with it. 

Our family bond and memory will be our identity to as many as would encounter us and as many as we would encounter. It will also serve as good flash back memory for us as a reminder of how we were if we had to look back. I think it will serve as a symbol of bond for us.

The third item is a familiar food. Perhaps in a processed form so that it can last the time intended. This will be considered so that we create an intermediary period of adjusting to the food options we will encounter in the new environment. There will be need to explore food types and we are not sure of how and when we may adapt both to our taste and even to our biological system. This food item will be needed while we explore these opportunities, especially when children are part of the family.

My feelings if I am told to give up any 2 of these items upon arrival at my new environment: I will seek to understand why and if satisfied with explanations given, I will let go whatever 2 of the items I can easily replace in the new environment, even if not immediately, soonest
This exercise has given me an opportunity to think about what really matter to me. It has given me the opportunity to evaluate among the items I treasure, which ones I think are the most valuable. 
I am able now to see exactly what Nadiyah (Laureate Education, 2011) meant when she said referred to culture as "very personal". Never would I have realized that these are the things I would pick.


Laureate Education Inc, 2011 (DVD) Perspective on diversity and equity.          
                                                       Family cultures: Dynamic interactions[term]=bible%20verses&filters[primary]=images&sort=1&o=121



  1. Great items to choose Praise. I love the pictures you put up, I enjoyed watching them. Which item would you choose if you only had one item? I agree culture is very personal.

    1. Steffanie dear,

      Thanks for the complement.

      While pondering, I got my husband involved in the thinking and he thought I should take our coral beads. That depicts our cultural heritage, but on my own, I think I should be practical and realistic. That is why I said in my post earlier that I assumed some things are concepts and once they ve been acquired, they are edged in our minds and spirits.

      I would choose my bible if the country's scripts is accessible by me, then I would give it up. Otherwise, It would be my first priority, second is the family album and the food can always be replaced because some food are quite universal.

  2. I am interested in which food you would choose. The food item that I would love to take with me would not last, it is an item called Porkroll, made in New Jersey. It is a type of sausage, but tastes nothing like the sausage. I also choose a Bible, because my faith has always been a part of my life. I would be a totally different person without my faith.

  3. Cynthia,

    I would take some food like Garri( cassava flour), Crayfish, periwinkle, Oyster etc. All in dry forms.

    What does Porkroll taste like?

  4. Definitely taking your Word with you is important as that is what I selected. It is comforting in knowing that whatever situation we find ourselves in that God is there watching over us and is our source of deliverance. As I think of the Bible, there are so many comforting stories of situations others faced where they were delivered as well. What an awesome book! Thank you for sharing and I enjoyed reading your blog.

  5. Praise,
    I totally agree with you in the need to include food item especially coming from West Africa, one missing palm oil will experience some difficulties. When the stay outside will be for a long while, there will be a time that the crave for home food will be heavy and that is when the food stuff will be handy. I had experienced such severally and i can appreciate the importance of such inclusion.
